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Dymotek News

Read about Dymotek's latest news and events.

Dymotek Gets Creative to Recruit Local Talent

Dymotek Receives MAPP 15 Year Membership Award

“Come for a job, stay for a career”
Identifying and recruiting talent in the hyper-competitive rubber and plastics industry is no simple task. It requires creativity and a willingness to play the long game. Just ask Dymotek Corp.

The 112-employee, Ellington, Conn.-based plastic injection molder and liquid silicone molding and tooling specialist has adopted a number of innovative approaches to expand its potential field of employees and believes its experience can benefit others. The firm operates two plants in Connecticut –– one in Ellington and one in Somers.

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Dymotek Receives MAPP 15 Year Membership Award

Dymotek Receives MAPP 15 Year Membership Award

MAPP Awards Ceremony - Leverage Your Mindset: Reduce Stress, Adapt to Change and Ignite Your Potential! Mindset expert, motivational speaker, and author of the book Leverage Your Mindset, Ricky Kalmon, will show attendees how to change the way they think. No matter how successful a person may be – there are always new heights to achieve.

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Dymotek Receives John E. Ryan Friend of Adult Education Award

Dymotek Receives John E. Ryan Friend of Adult Education Award

VRABE is proud to announce the 2022 recipient is Dymotek Dynamic Molding Technologies, Inc. Dymotek was instrumental in establishing VRABE’s Pre-Apprenticeship Program, recently certified by the State of Connecticut’s Department of Apprenticeship Training. Dymotek assisted in academic curriculum development, scheduling, and the operational aspects of the program. They developed an outstanding on-the-job training plan for the students, who spent ~4 hours/week on the factory floor. Strong believers in education, always responsive and supportive, professional and generous with their time, Dymotek has truly earned the title John E. Ryan Friend of Adult Education!

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Dymotek Hires LSR Pro Daniel Schölmberger

After a 2-year silicone hiatus, Schölmberger is back to help Dymotek develop LSR 2.0

After a 2-year silicone hiatus, Schölmberger is back to help Dymotek develop LSR 2.0 - Dymotek Corp., a custom molder focused on the demanding niche of liquid silicone molding, has hired well-known industry veteran Daniel Schölmberger to help it further develop its next-generation LSR and two-shot molding technologies.

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Certified Master Molders

Congratulations to Dymotek's Newly Certified Master Molders

HUGE congratulations to Dymotek's 7 newly certified Master Molders!!!! As the attendees can agree, completing this training is a lot of hard work and dedication. We were very fortunate to have the opportunity to host this training here at Dymotek and are incredibly proud to have increased our collective technical foundation.

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Manufacturing Day - Dymotek Corporation Event

Dymotek Corporation Event
Facility Tour
October 4, 2019 9:00am - 6:00pm  
24 Scitico Rd
Somers, CT 06071

All Dymotek Manufacturing Day visitors will get an interactive tour of our facility, following the process a new product takes from an idea to actual production (and everything in-between). We will be highlighting the number of career opportunities that manufacturing offers. This is our FIRST TIME showing this facility (with our recent construction) to the general public!! Come check it out! 

Please wear proper attire for the tour. No open toed shoes, heels, shorts, skirts, dresses, or sleeveless tops. Since the tours are interactive, we suggest that you do not wear jewelry. 

We are doing tours from 9am-12pm and 3pm-6pm. We will have the Hot Oven Cookies Truck here giving away FREE COOKIES from 4pm-6pm for the first 100 visitors!!!

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Manufacturing Day - Dymotek Corporation Event

Dymotek Corporation Event

All Dymotek Manufacturing Day visitors will get an interactive tour of our facility, following the process a new product takes from an idea to actual production (and everything in-between). We are doing tours from 9am-12pm and 3pm-6pm...

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Dymotek Corp. adds equipment, looks for new export business

Dymotek Corp. has been installing millions of dollars worth of new equipment at its Somers plant

Dymotek Corp. has been installing millions of dollars worth of new equipment at its Somers plant, as the injection plastic molding company gears up for growing production of plastic parts sold internationally for medical, automotive, consumer, and industrial products.

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'Dymotegrity' Builds Foundation for Workplace Character


To ensure workplace values, integrity and relationships are held to a high standard at Dymotek Corp., officials created their own word: Dymotegrity. "Our company's ethical cornerstone is the foundation of every relationship. … Everyone — the folks on the floor — they have genuine pride in what they're doing," Dymotek CEO Norm Forest said. "They understand why they matter and how they support the whole. It goes beyond that to the level of our customers, suppliers, each other [and] associates.

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Managers Discuss What Makes an Employer a Best Place to Work

Managers Discuss What Makes an Employer a Best Place to Work

Good communication, an open-book policy, and being truthful and sincere are important factors in keeping employees, according to members of a panel from plastics companies that have been named to the list of Best Places to Work.

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Dymotek Employees Grow at MAPP Conference

Dymotek Employees Grow at MAPP Conference

For the last 12 years that Dymotek Corp. CEO Norm Forest has been involved with the Manufacturers Association for Plastics Processors, one thing stands out: "[The Benchmarking and Best Practices Conference] is the all-time most inspirational and worthwhile conference of the year."

Forest has been with the Ellington, Conn.-based injection molding company for 20 years...

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Ellington-Based Manufacturer Cited Among Best Places to Work

The awards program was designed to identify, recognize, and honor the best employers in the plastics industry.

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The View from 30 Feet - American Export Expertise Leads to Presidential Award

Dymotek Corp. based in Ellington, Conn., has earned a well-deserved reputation as a model for attracting talented young people to the plastics industry. Now there’s more proof: The custom injection molder has won the Plastics News Excellence Award for employee relations.

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Ellington Manufacturer Makes Inc. 5000 List

Ellington-based Dymotek, a plastic injection molding manufacturer, has been included in the most recent Inc. 5000 list of the nation’s fastest growing private companies. In its first year on the list, Dymotek ranked No. 3,105, and now joins a group of elite companies including Microsoft, Yelp and Linkedin. Touting a 111% growth over the past three years, Dymotek ranks No. 22 out of the 49 Connecticut companies to make the list. Even more impressive is Dymotek’s No. 72 rank out of the 177 nationwide manufacturing companies to make the list.

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WASHINGTON – Today Congressman Joe Courtney (CT-2) joined U.S. Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker in presenting the President’s “E” Award for achievements in exports to the Dymotek Corporation of Ellington, Connecticut. Courtney attended the award ceremony at the Commerce Department in Washington, where six Connecticut companies received the President’s “E” Award, which recognizes the contribution companies have made to increasing American exports, creating jobs, and building export markets.

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Get in Touch

Please complete the form to learn more about Dymotek or to have someone from our team contact you. You can also contact us by phone or mail.

7 Main Street, Ellington, CT 06029
24 Scitico Road Somers, CT 06071

toll free: 800-788-1984
local: 860-875-2868

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