agile365 enterprise

Plastic Injection Molding

mastering thermoplastics, resins, and more

Injection Molding

Do you have a problem mold or maybe a problem molder? Good, solid, quality molding does not have to be difficult or costly. At Dymotek, we thrive on tackling our partner's complex and challenging injection molding applications. As a world-class molder, we understand the vital nature of each project and work to consistently deliver the high-quality results your company can rely on.

We deliver solutions for:

  • Hot runner injection molding
  • Cold runner injection molding
  • Runnerless molding
  • Insert molding
  • Overmolding
  • 2-Shot molding
  • All-electric molding and automation
Plastic Injection Molding

Our Robot Assisted Molding technology is configured in 2-axis through 6-axis movement flexibility to address your most complex manufacturing needs. The result: faster transfer times, improved efficiency, and increased output.

2-Shot Molding

Eliminate timely and expensive assembly operations while reducing cost and waste associated with assembly defects with 2-Shot molding, a highly specialized and automated process. Our team specializes in 2-Shot molding, as we carefully control the injection of two different resins into a single, multi-chambered mold.

2-Shot molding allows us to mold clear plastics, colored graphics and stylish finishes, improving your product functionality and marketplace value.

Transfer Molding

Transferring your mold program from one supplier to another takes serious planning and careful execution. Whether you're dealing with quality and design issues or your current molder just doesn't have the capacity to fill orders, our team has the engineering background needed to handle your transfer program.

We take an engineering and technical approach to create a customized transfer program to help move your programs to Dymotek. Our experienced team benefits from continuous workforce development through on-site trainers, ensuring all our customers receive best-in-class injection molding.

Dymotek's transfer process key benefits include:

  • Completed quickly to reduce the risk of "out of stock" product
  • Technical expertise to ensure it is done correctly
  • Collaborative effort ensuring on-going communication throughout the process
  • Single point of contact to streamline and improve efficiency

Get in Touch

Please complete the form to learn more about Dymotek or to have someone from our team contact you. You can also contact us by phone or mail.

7 Main Street, Ellington, CT 06029
24 Scitico Road Somers, CT 06071

toll free: 800-788-1984
local: 860-875-2868

Contact Us

We would love to hear from you! If you have any questions or would like additional information about our services please send us a message.