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Flashless Molding

superior silicone molding results with reduced waste

Flashless Silicone Molding

Flashless Silicone Molding provides an exceptional end product with geometry accuracy and finish consistency to meet the strictest application standards. With flashless molding, we create your silicone part with special tooling and mold designs that prevent excess material from escaping or “flashing,” eliminating the unsightly and often function-impairing “parting line” (the line where material flashed) on your part.

Flashless molding also stops silicone waste, reducing material costs, and also labor costs associated with trimming off excess material. Further savings are realized through the elimination of part waste associated with accidental rip and tear during de-flashing.

Flashless Molding

Flashless silicone molding yields faster turnaround and improved finish

With no excess material to be removed from the component, your flashless molded part comes out of our molds as a finished product with a more uniform and predictable exterior. With secondary finishing operations not needed, our turnaround time for your part is reduced, and production capabilities increased!

Improved end product characteristics—another advantage

Get in Touch

Please complete the form to learn more about Dymotek or to have someone from our team contact you. You can also contact us by phone or mail.

7 Main Street, Ellington, CT 06029
24 Scitico Road Somers, CT 06071

toll free: 800-788-1984
local: 860-875-2868

Contact Us

We would love to hear from you! If you have any questions or would like additional information about our services please send us a message.